Testing Angular Applications With Protractor and Jasmine (2024)

In the World of software development, testing is a way to be sure that an application with a set of stated functionalities will perform those functions without fail. It involves running your software through a series of checks either manually or using automated tools to verify its effectiveness.

When developing software, errors are bound to happen. Testing makes it possible for those errors to be detected and corrected before the software is released.

A well-tested software is reliable, secured, and highly accountable. It saves cost in the long run and helps prevent wastage of manpower and resources.

In this tutorial, we will be looking at testing an AngularJS based website using Protractor and Jasmine.


To follow through this article, you must have a good understanding of:

  • DOM element tree hierarchy and manipulation
  • Basic JavaScript and asynchronous operations
  • AngularJS framework

Table of contents

  • Terminologies
  • Why Protractor?
  • Why Jasmine?
  • Setup and configuration
  • Testing
  • Conclusion
  • Further reading


  • AngularJs is an open-source javascript framework used to build front-end applications.
  • Jasmine is an open-source, behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
  • WebDriver Js is the official Javascript implementation of Selenium. It helps to interact with elements on the web.
  • Protractor is a NodeJS program built on top of WebDriverJs that supports the Jasmine test framework and is used as an end-to-end test framework for testing Angular applications. Protractor extends what WebDriverJs can do by enabling automation and interactions of possible user events on the browser.
  • End-to-End testing refers to the test that is carried out on operations that occur through the various modules that make up your angular application flow.

For example, testing the Registration page, to the Login page, to a Profile page, and Logout can be an end-to-end test flow. While each module here has its unit test cases.

Why protractor

If you open a non-angular webpage, you have elements that users can interact with such as an input field, a dropdown tab, or clickable buttons. All these elements can be tested using the Selenium web framework.

A website built using AngularJS introduces the extra DOM properties that are identifiable only to Angular applications like “ng-model”, “ng-repeater”, or “ng-controller”.

These properties wrap the existing HTML DOM elements. These properties are not visible to Selenium for testing.

Protractor enables the ability to capture these hidden elements.

In addition, protractor provides functions such as waitForAngular, by.binding, WebElement.evaluate, among others, which provide a variety of options to perform your tests.

Selenium WebDriver deals with a lot of synchronization issues related to using bare selenium. On the other hand, Angular (like pure Javascript) works asynchronously making use of promises to handle the callbacks.

You can read more about the Protractor style guide here.

Why Jasmine

Jasmine is a well-documented open-source behavior-driven testing framework for JavaScript that does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework.

We have several testing frameworks like Jest and Mocha.

Jasmine is recommended over the others because AngularJS CLI comes chipped by default with Jasmine as the test runner and it is relatively easy to learn.

However, you can still configure the other testing frameworks to test angular-built web applications.


A suite defines or describes your test cases.

A suite is identified by a description function. The describe() groups the specifications just like grouping a component of a system or set of actions.

We set the first parameter as a string that is used as an identifier for the test cases that are defined within the function body.

For example:

describe("A String that specifies a suite", function () {it("Contains an expectation", () => {let value = true;expect(value).toBe(true);});});


You can define a specification (spec) using a global function called it().

it() is similar to describe() that takes a string as its first parameter and a function as its second parameter.

The string parameter determines the title of the specification and is used to identify the spec when there are multiple specs present.

On the other hand, the function defines a test.

A spec can contain multiple expectations described using the “expect” statement (which will be discussed later) that is used to test the state of the code.

An expectation of a test case with an original result can either be true or false.


it() in a nutshell, is a function that includes executable code to carry out the required test.

Since Jasmine is a JavaScript testing framework, the variable scope applies in the same way it does with vanilla JavaScript code.

A variable defined within a function is local and visible only with that particular function. This helps in data sharing within it() blocks.

If you want to share data between other test blocks, just use a global variable.


Expects are functions that take in the resultant and the expected value. These functions determine if a test is a success or a failure.


A matcher is an implementation of a boolean outcome i.e. the result of a matcher confirms if something is either true or false.

In this case, it checks the outcome of the expectation against a given outcome/value. This determines if a test case passes or fails.

In Jasmine, you will find several matchers that help you achieve the expected test scenarios.

Setup and configuration

Firstly, download and install NodeJS.

Next, we install protractor globally:

npm install -g protractor

Then run the command below to update the webdriver manager:

webdriver-manager update

Create a conf.js file in the root directory of the Angular application and add the following code:

exports.config = { directConnect: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', specs: ['./*-spec.js], framework: jasmine,};
  • The directConnect: true option specifies the host that interacts with the Selenium Server (seleniumAddress). It will use the default configurations unless specified. Chrome will be used as the default browser.
  • The option for the specs should be the path to the specification JavaScript file that runs while testing.
  • The framework property specifies the test framework that we use. Here, it’s Jasmine.
  • The value for the specs in the above code tells protractor to check the current directory and execute all files that have the letters -spec.js as their ending characters.

Create a test-spec.js file in the root directory.

Here, we specify the test cases.

Install Jasmine as a dependency, if it is not already installed:

npm install --save-dev jasmine

On the terminal, navigate to the directory where the conf.js file is located and run the command below to begin your testing:

protractor conf.js


For this tutorial, we will be testing a popular website called Blender; built using AngularJS.

Since this website is built using AngularJS, we will make use of Protractor to capture the elements we need to manipulate.

Here, we will capture a “search input” element located at the top right corner of the page.

We will then proceed to search requests for “free” videos by using the protractor API.

Finally, we will verify the DOM interaction. It is expected that video-blender will have available free videos that list those free videos in the DOM page layout while replacing the initial webpage.

Performing another search for a non-existing word should also produce a change to display the result of the search.

First, we will create the describe() function that will house our test. The string specifies the name of this block of tests we will be writing. The second parameter is a function that our specs will be written within.

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {});

Note that the function is an asynchronous function with the parameter as “done”.

This specifies that some operations within this function will not occur at the very first instance, rather it may occur later in the future by halting the flow of operations. Such operations are marked with the await keyword.

The done() method is a function caller for the argument passed into the function that is called at the end of all tests to mark the end of testing the spec.

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {it("Navigate to Blender Video search for videos", async function (done) {done();});});

In the code below, we first save a string (website URL) into the variable “url”. We are making use of a protractor API method browser.get() to request to the link specified.

We specify this function as await to process it asynchronously.

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {it("Navigate to Blender Video search for videos", async function (done) {let url = "https://video.blender.org/";await browser.get(url);done();});});

Here, we have written our first test case.

We are expecting the website’s home page to be loaded. For this, we also make use of the protractor API method browser.getCurrentUrl().

Now, we grab elements that we need to perform further tests from the DOM using the browser inspection tool.

Based on the element, you can fetch information using:

  • id
  • class
  • xPath
  • CSS selector
  • Tag

We are grabbing the search input element searchBar, the search button click searchButton, and the result element searchResult.

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {it("Navigate to Blender Video search for videos", async function (done) {let url = "https://video.blender.org/";await browser.get(url);expect(await browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(url);let searchBar = element(by.css("#search-video"));let searchButton = element(by.css(".icon-search"));let searchResult = element(by.css(".search-result"));done();});});

For the “searchBar”, we input a string value to be free. If so, make a click action on the “searchButton” variable.

We expect the ‘searchResult’ element to be visible on the page after the search has been made, hence we test for the presence of the css style "display":"block".

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {it("Navigate to Blender Video search for videos", async function (done) {let url = "https://video.blender.org/";await browser.get(url);expect(await browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(url);let searchBar = element(by.css("#search-video"));let searchButton = element(by.css(".icon-search"));let searchResult = element(by.css(".search-result"));searchBar.sendKeys("free");searchButton.click();expect(searchResult.getCssValue("display")).toBe("block");done();});});

We then make further tests for a non-existing search result “random”.

We do not clear the text in the search bar, so our search gets appended to the existing “free” text in the search bar.

If you want to clear the search bar, before searching for a new keyword, we have do the following:

searchBar.clear().then(function () {searchBar.sendKeys("random");});

The result would be an empty page, since we don’t find elements based on that search.

describe("Testing exercise for protractor and Javascript application", function () {it("Navigate to Blender Video search for videos", async function (done) {let url = "https://video.blender.org/";await browser.get(url);expect(await browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(url);let searchBar = element(by.css("#search-video"));let searchButton = element(by.css(".icon-search"));let searchResult = element(by.css(".search-result"));searchBar.sendKeys("free");searchButton.click();expect(searchResult.getCssValue("display")).toBe("block");searchBar.sendKeys("random");searchButton.click();expect(searchResult.getCssValue("display")).toBe("block");done();});});

On running the code, you should see a Chrome browser window open up. Navigate to the webpage specified, perform a search and carry out the test.

The test output should be:

1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures

Congratulations on your first test using Protractor!


In this tutorial, you have learned what testing is, why testing is important, and the various definitions for terms used in testing.

Also, we understood basic codes that pull elements from the DOM and test their outcome.

There are several options to capture the DOM elements for testing. Protractor is one such framework for testing Angular applications.

Further reading

For more reference check out the jasmine docs:

Peer Review Contributions by: Srishilesh P S

Testing Angular Applications With Protractor and Jasmine (2024)


Does Jasmine work with Angular? ›

The Angular CLI downloads and installs everything you need to test an Angular application with Jasmine testing framework.

Does protractor use Jasmine? ›

By default, Protractor uses the Jasmine test framework for its testing interface. This tutorial assumes some familiarity with Jasmine, and we will use version 2.4.

What is difference between Jasmine and protractor? ›

Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. Thus it's suited for websites, Node. js projects, or anywhere that JavaScript can run; Protractor: End-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications.

How an Angular component is tested using the Jasmine test framework? ›

To run your tests using the Angular CLI, you use the ng test command in your terminal. As a result, Karma will open up the default browser and run all the tests written with the aid of Jasmine and will display the outcome of those tests.

Which automation tool is best for Angular applications? ›

Protractor. This open-source framework automates end-to-end testing primarily for Angular and AngularJS applications. It works as an integrator of Selenium, WebDriver, Jasmine, Node.

Does Angular use karma or Jasmine? ›

When creating Angular projects using the Angular CLI it defaults to creating and running unit tests using Jasmine and Karma. Whenever we create files using the CLI , as well as creating the main code file it also creates a simple Jasmine spec file named the same as the main code file but ending in . spec.

Is protractor going to be deprecated? ›

For a while, it was the go-to tool for such test automation. Protractor's popularity has gone, however, and now the project is being deprecated and removed from the Angular project.

Is protractor better than selenium? ›

Then you can better decide match the capabilities of these tools against your requirements. For general web application testing, Selenium is a popular choice used by many QA professionals. However for AngularJS applications, we would suggest Protractor over Selenium.

What is the difference between protractor mocha and jasmine? ›

Protractor is a test runner that uses jasmine framework. It interacts with browser, without protractor (or any other test runner), jasmine can't interact with browser in e2e testing. On the other hand, mocha is also a testing framework that has its own test runner i.e. mocha-CLI.

What are the disadvantages of protractor? ›

Disadvantages of Protractor:
  • It supports only javascript.
  • It runs very well in chrome browser. It don't have much support on other browsers.
  • Robot class support is not there in Protractor.
Dec 18, 2018

Is jasmine BDD or TDD? ›

Using Jasmine With Unit Testing and TDD: An Example

Even though the Jasmine website tells us that Jasmine is a BDD framework, you can also use it with TDD and unit testing.

What is the best alternative to protractor? ›

Top Alternatives to Protractor
  • Selenium. Selenium automates browsers. ...
  • PhantomJS. PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. ...
  • WebdriverIO. WebdriverIO lets you control a browser or a mobile application with just a few. ...
  • Jasmine. ...
  • Compass. ...
  • Cypress. ...
  • Cucumber. ...
  • Puppeteer.

How to test performance of Angular application? ›

The first step is to load your Angular app in a Chrome browser. And next get ready to trigger the performance problem you're experiencing. Then you'll want to open Chrome's developer tools and select the Performance tab. Click the record button when you're ready to start profiling the performance of your Angular app.

Which framework is used to test Angular application? ›

This provides an added advantage to the users as they can add any new features without breaking any other part of their application. Jasmine and Karma frameworks are used for Unit Testing of the Angular applications.

Which types of testing do you know Angular? ›

Type of Testing in Angular

There are two main types of Angular testing: unit testing and end-to-end testing. Unit testing is verifying that individual units of code behave as expected. End-to-end testing is verifying that the entire application behaves as expected.

How to install Jasmine for Angular? ›

  1. Installing Jasmine in an Angular application.
  2. Installing Jasmine with Karma test runner in a vanilla JavaScript project.
  3. We can use npm to install Jasmine and Karma. ...
  4. This next command will install three packages. ...
  5. Finally, we can choose to install the Karma test runner CLI.

Does Jasmine work with TypeScript? ›

jasmine : it is a testing framework for javascript code. It does not require DOM. @types/jasmine : it contains the type definition for Jasmine to be used with TypeScript.

Which platform does Jasmine work on? ›

Jasmine is available for both browsers and Node, which provides a clean syntax for the ease of writing tests. Jasmine also provides behavior-driven testing and does not require any DOM(Document Object Model) for writing test cases. Jasmine supports asynchronous testing.

What languages work with Angular? ›


Angular is written in TypeScript. It's the recommended language for creating apps with Angular. There are lots of reasons to use TypeScript instead of JavaScript, but at the top of the list are reduced bugs and an increased ability to confidently refactor your code.


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